General information & Conditions
- Treatments are always on appointment. In case a treatment needs to be cancelled, please cancel at a minimum of 24 hours in advance. In case of cancellation within 24 hours costs can be charged.
- New Customers are required to pay in advance for their first appointment (more info on the page “appointment”)
- If an appointment for new customers has not been paid yet, the appointment is not confirmed.
- Advance payment for appointments are in principle non-refundable. They can be re-scheduled if notified at a minimum if 24 hours in advance. It is up to the discretion of Watpho Massage if there is a partial or full refund.
- Appointments are only scheduled in our agenda once confirmed.
- In case costs are being charged due to “no-show” a direct payment request or “tikkie” wil be send. The total amount can go up as high as the total treatment cost.
- In case a payment request regarding “no-show” is not paid we are entitled to transfer the payment obligation to a collection agency incl. the associated costs for the use of such an agency.
- During my treatments I cannot answer the phone. In that case please leave a message on the voicemail.
- Parking is available directly around the corner (in the assigned parking area)
- Cadeaubonnen zijn 1 jaar geldig na uitgifte. (i.v.m. de Corona Lockdown zijn daar 3 maanden aan toegevoegd)
- Vouchers are available in several values and can be exchanged against any treatment. In case a treatment is more expensive it is possible to pay the extra fees.
- No money will be returned on vouchers
- Vouchers can only be used for treatments
- Vouchers are valid for one year after issue date (due to Corona lock down we extended the vouchers for 3 months)
- Pets are not allowed in my studio.
- Smoking is prohibited in my studio.